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Sea turtle nesting season is upon us, and it’s a crucial time to ensure the safety and preservation of these remarkable animals. As these ancient mariners return to our shores to lay their eggs, it’s important for us to be vigilant and proactive in protecting them. Here are some key steps to take:

  • Report Sightings and Unmarked Nests:
    • If you encounter a hatchling wandering in daylight or come across an unmarked nest, immediately call Turtle Time Inc. at 239-481-5566.
    • Their dedicated volunteers will respond quickly to secure the area and ensure the hatchlings’ safe journey to the sea.
    • Reporting these sightings is essential because hatchlings are highly vulnerable during the daytime and need guidance to find their way to the ocean.
  • Respect Marked Nesting Sites:
    • Always respect marked nesting sites and keep your distance to avoid disturbing the turtles.
    • These sites are often marked with stakes and signage, indicating the presence of a nest.
    • Avoid walking on or near these areas, as disturbing the nests can harm the developing eggs and disrupt the hatching process.
  • Minimize Artificial Lighting:
    • Artificial lighting can disorient sea turtles, especially hatchlings, who rely on natural light to find their way to the ocean.
    • During nesting season, minimize the use of outdoor lights and close curtains or blinds to prevent indoor light from reaching the beach.
    • If you live near the coast, consider using turtle-friendly lighting, which is designed to minimize the impact on these animals.
  • Keep Beaches Clean:
    • A clean beach is a safer environment for sea turtles. Remove trash and debris that could obstruct the turtles’ path or entangle them.
    • Items like plastic bags, fishing lines, and other debris pose significant threats to both adult turtles and hatchlings.
    • Participating in beach cleanups or simply picking up litter during your visits can make a big difference.
  • Volunteer with Local Conservation Organizations:
    • Consider volunteering with local conservation organizations like Turtle Time Inc. or other groups dedicated to protecting sea turtles.
    • Volunteers play a crucial role in monitoring nests, helping hatchlings reach the sea, and educating the public.
    • Your time and effort can have a direct impact on the preservation of these magnificent creatures.

By taking these steps, we can all contribute to the preservation of sea turtles and their habitats. Thank you for your cooperation and for helping preserve our precious sea turtles. Together, we can ensure that these ancient mariners continue to grace our oceans for generations to come.